Monday, September 17, 2012

I knew this would happen

Today I'm recovering from a 4 hour pinterest frenzy!  I knew this would happen.  I was so excited I was just pinning and pinning thinking - I've got this in the bag this is going to be fun.

My friend Lorri called and asked "Do you realize that every time you pin something it goes to your facebook page?"  (Thank goodness she's a night owl too)

"What" I shrieked "you've got to be kidding me!"

"Nope it's all on there" she said "but at least it's late and most people are asleep so you can delete everything from your page before they see it"

Then it happened that bead of sweat formed on my upper lip.  Panic was setting in.  Can I do that, and can you imagine if she hadn't called - I'm sure people would have started unfriending me left and right thinking who is this crazy person sending me a bazillion posts!

So after a bit, all but one post was deleted and I now have the settings changed. I think I'm good to go. But you never know!

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