Sunday, September 16, 2012

A slow starter

It's been a bit since I last posted.  September and October are my busiest months and sometimes it seems impossible to find a spare moment to even sit down and drop a line.  October is when we throw a giant fall festival and of course we have the haunted house fundraiser  for Alfresco Productions AND the conference for Alfresco's Six Mile Sculpture works iron pour.  The conference is really amazing - artist from around the country come to Granite City to make art in the industry that we're known for  - STEEL - of course you know because of my background that's right up my alley; so September is crazy trying to co-ordinate my end of the events.

I certainly don't do these events alone BUT being the director I'm expected to direct; either by designing the building out of the haunted house or acquisitions for the pour.

Sometimes the things that seems the easiest are what stop me in my tracks and I have to dip into others pool of creativity for a little inspiration. Like ideas for Spooktacular our Wizard of Oz themed event.  (The Wizard of Oz my Favorite!) You would think I could rattle ideas off like crazy - I do have several things lined up but I need a little nudge. 

Earlier today my friend Tona and I took a road trip to a winery (which by the way we were lost 3 different times), for wine bottles that she found on Craig's List for a project we're working on - she is a master at is finding things we need that others are unloading.  Craig's List another uncharted territory for me!   While we were driving past the same landmarks 4 different times looking for this place we kicked around some ideas for Spooktacular, Tona suggested  that I get on Pinterest. 

"You know" I said " That's just one more thing that don't have time for"  I know everybody and their brother has been doing it forever but I'm a bit of a slow starter. Beside when I did get on there, you had to be invited.

"Not now" she said - "get on there tonight and check it out." 

Well this may have been a mistake! As soon as I started looking up ideas one thing led to another.

WOW a person could spend hours and hours on there before you realize it.

I think I've already created 7 folders or boards or whatever they call them (You know my limitations within computer world)

I may be a slow starter but I'm already making up for lost time. I'm headed back to pin a few more things  This could be a long night!


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