Monday, May 21, 2012

But she is my baby!

I have a sign hanging in my restaurant that says..."If your dog doesn't like someone you probably should either."  I couldn't agree more.   If my little dog Daisy shies away from someone it usually gives me reason to pause.   I have never understood people that don't like animals.  I get the fact that there are dog lovers and cat lovers, but not to like either, that I just don't get. 

If you've ever been to my restaurant chances are you've met Daisy.  Often times she's in the garden and loves to run to meet the customers either as they come or go, but she always has to say hello.

We even have customers that ask, "If you aren't too busy can you go get Daisy?" She really is the Garden Gate Tea Room mascot.  Daisy and I live in a house across the alley form the tea room.  I like to tell everyone how I have to walk to work (the whole 50 feet or so).  So it's pretty easy to check on her or bring her to the garden throughout the day.

BUT there was this one time a woman came out of the tea room and kicked at Daisy and said, "I hate dogs." Really?  The only thing I could think of was...  Hey Miss Gulch - You wicked old witch, I'll bite you myself!

How can you hate animals, especially cute little Daisy?!

I may not have given birth to a child but Daisy really is my baby!  So for those who feel the urge to tell me I probably should get another dog now because Daisy is getting up in age and won't last much longer, that's the LAST thing anyone ever wants to hear!

Daisy was a Valentine gift several years ago and has been the best gift ever.  She was so small that when I cupped my hands she fit in them. She usually always has bows in her hair and I believe she may even have a better wardrobe than I.

So, some people can think I'm crazy, that's OK - because Daisy really is my baby!  


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