Friday, May 11, 2012

Way to Go!

One of the many perks of my business is meeting so many great people.  What’s even better is when your customers become your friends.  That has been the case for me; many of my customers are now my best friends so I dare not mention them by name in case I leave one out.

BUT I have to mention Seth McDowell.  You see he and my restaurant are the same age.  When he first came to see us he was in a pumpkin seat.  Now he's a young man.  My staff and I have enjoyed watching him grow.  Seth has become the official Garden Gate idea guy.  He and I always talk over ideas for the business, we even have a dish named after him, and he always promotes the tearoom by telling everyone about my lobster bisque soup.  
Last night Seth came in and proudly showed me the letter that he earned in music.  He’s a member of the jazz band, - he knows how much I like jazz music.  We couldn’t be more proud of him if he was our own, but come to think of it - he is part of our family.  Way to go Seth!       

1 comment:

  1. What a great young man, congrats to you Seth.
